We Found Your Old Shirts

We’ve arrived in Madagascar, and it’s been an interesting few days. We’ve done a lot of walking around and have noticed, while the locals don’t speak much (if any) English, their shirts do. After the first Roxy SURF shirt, we realized why these shirts looked so familiar; these are the clothes that you donate. We’ve found them.

So far we’ve seen:

  • Roxy SURF
  • Jack Daniels
  • Miami Dolphins Jason Taylor Jersey
  • Green Bay Brett Favre Jersey
  • Seahawks Jersey (Nick made a face at this)
  • “Punk Rock is not a Crime”
  • Toughmudder shirt
  • Washington Redskins Shirt

These among a myriad of “soccer is life” and “whatever” shirts. We’ve seen these worn with regular ole shorts, or even as a top, with a modest sarong/toga mix as the bottom. It’s definitely been interesting! We’ll keep this list going as we see more, and hopefully we can nab a couple of not so awkward photos.