Our Madagascar Experience: A to Z

Here is an fun A to Z list of our Madagascar Experience

A for Ariary, the Malagasy Currency and only way to pay in Madagascar.

B for Butterflyfish, of which there is an abundance, they’re beautiful, and we had to learn them all.

C for Cats, there were five on camp and Kara loved each one.

D for Diving, we got to do a lot of it!

E for Electricity, or namely the lack of electricity, largest provider was our solar kit.

F for Future, as we contributed to it by building our artificial reef.

G for Green, the color of the primary forests remaining in Lokobe Strict Nature Reserve.

H for Haircut- Nick’s first international haircut was in Madagascar.

I for Ice Cold Drinks, an uncommon luxury in this part of the world.

J for Juvenile Baby Sweetlips, who hopefully is enjoying his new Arti Reef.

K for Nosy Komba, or Lemur Island, where MRCI camp is located.

L for Lemurs. We got to squish quite a few!

M for Marine Sanctuaries, Nosy Tanikely is the poster child for this.

N for Nosy Be, or Big Island, where we spent a good deal of time.

O for Ocean, that surrounded us day and night and lulled us to sleep.

P is for Pily Pily- a spicy concoction chock full of pepper seeds and added by the dot to each meal.

Q for Quiet Mornings, something we didn’t get due to rooster crows starting daily at o’ dark thirty.

R for Reginald Octavius, or Reggie to his friends, our favorite neighborhood octopus.

S for Sea Turtle, we hung with lots the last few weeks.

T for Telma- our cellphone and internet provider in Madagascar.

U for Unicornfish, we saw lots and they’re awesome.

V for Vanilla, for Madagascar is the leading producer.

W for Weather, I think there were a few nights where we didn’t sweat in our beds. I think.

X for Exploring, we did a lot and one of our favorites was river romping.

Y for Yling Yling, the fragrance that greeted us upon our arrival in Nosy Be.

Z for Zebra Shark, also know locally as a leopard shark and we enjoyed it’s company.