Stay Tuned.

Tomorrow morning we’ll be leaving aboard a 50ft catamaran sailboat for a two week trip through uncharted (to us) waters. We will be traveling between several islands and small malagasy villages located along the Mozambique channel in the remote North Western corner of Madagascar. We have been couped up in our small hotel room in Hell-ville without A/C for 5 days just waiting for our chance to get over the the island base camp and for the catamaran trip to begin. We made it over to the island Sunday afternoon, with all of our gear aboard an overcrowded, 18ft ferry boat equipped with an outrigger for added stability. The seas where picturesque and glassy. Let the Journey begin!

This will leave us out of internet for ~ 2 weeks. We’ll be coming back with a boat load of pictures and cool stories. Stay tuned and/or catch up on some of our previous adventures if you haven’t read through them all.

We did get a little bit of snorkeling in yesterday and it was awesome, played with three large Hawksbill Seaturtles and saw more hard coral than we had ever seen in our life. The reef is only a 100yrd swim from base camp, where we will return for 4 weeks of marine conservation work. We are fully cabin fevered out and ready to explore!