Monkey Paws

So today we did some SCUBA diving out of Sodwana Bay. It was great to get back in the water and it was a beautiful day for a beach dive. All of the diving around here is done from the beach, since there are no ports or protected waters to launch. This still means that they use boats. We had to launch the 8 meter RHIB’s off the beach with the help of a tractor and all 10 people onboard. Diving was spectacular, especially the fact that we had to deal with meters, instead of feet, and bar, instead of psi, on the gauges. It is an easy conversion, but I laughed about it. Somethings it is the little things like this that are so entertaining while traveling.

We parked our car inside of the Isimangaliso Wetland Area and when we returned to our car it appeared that there were cat footprints on the windshield. After closer examination it had thumbs and looked like small hand prints. It was monkey paw prints on our windshield. Only in Africa…. it is the little things like monkey paws that are quite entertaining.