The Greatest Tech Boxers Ever

We spent a lot of time trying to think about how we could get the most of our gear and carry the least with us for 5 month. I did a bit of research and found the Exofficio Give-n-Go boxers and supposedly you can wear them far longer than you would ever think of wearing the same pair of boxers. These technological marvels are soft, moisture wicking, and anti-microbial. What a combo!

We each ended up buying two pairs after I put my first pair through a rigorous evaluation period. Let me tell you that I have never had such a sweet pair of boxers! I had to test the claim that you could wear them 10+ days. There was even a review that one guy had only a single pair for a month long expedition. Wow, that was a little too insane sounding for us. I gave them a trial run for 6 days of normal wear back during office life and they were still fresher after 6 days than most pairs after 1 day. If you don’t believe it, then try it for yourself…

Since I brought 4 pairs of boxers with me, I haven’t had to stretch it out to six days yet, but they last far longer than my traditional cotton boxers. I’ve had to change out my cottons ones after one day, maybe two. But these Exofficio Give-n-Go’s have helped me live in luxury with only 4 pairs. If I could do it again, I would change out my two cottons ones for 1 more pair of the Give-n-Go’s. No more do you have to stick with the 1 per day rule when packing for a trip.