Episode One: A Wild Hair

Some people get a wild hair and go on a ridiculous trip because of a sudden itch or an epiphany of sorts. This trip may seem like that from the outside but let me tell you, this has been over a year in the making. Since the inception of this Epic Adventure idea, it has gone through several iterations ranging from 2 weeks to a year. We finally settled into a more viscous plan in May 2014. The trip started as a two week vacation to Europe, which would have concluded with a check off the bucket list; Münich for Oktoberfest 2014. There was quite a bit of planning that went into this revision of what would become the Epic Adventure. We started planning this prior to our wedding and even had it temporarily listed on our wedding registry as a monetary gift option. We had planned dates, hotels, picked flights and told some family & friends.

In June 2013 we went to our good friends, Matt & Angela Young’s, wedding which was a great time. While we were there, we were able to catch up with some old friends including Brandegee & Danielle. B&D told us that they were going to travel and move to Thailand for an extended period of time. This really got us thinking and wondering if maybe our own trip could use a little tweaking.  By the end of the wedding celebration, we decided that we HAD to make it to Thailand while we knew people there. This instantly intensified the trip by a factor of two or more. The logic was that we could explore Thailand for a fraction of the cost by knowing people that lived there or at least had a semi permanent establishment there. Initally we were thinking  two weeks in Europe followed by two weeks in Thailand. This was probably the critical point in our quest for an Epic Adventure. After a long summer pondering the pros and cons of taking a four week leave from work we had to make a big decision. To go big or go back to normal life after the trip? As our own wedding in October drew nearer, we had to put aside this decision for a later date.